It was on that date that I started this adventure of travel nursing, the day that changed my life in so many ways. Looking back, it is so hard to believe it has already been a year since I took that deep breath, walked into my boss' office, and gave her my notice. A year ago that I started packing my bags, loading my car, and preparing for the 1300 mile journey across the country. At the time, I would never have guessed the ways in which my life would be altered, all because of one singular decision: to travel.
February 11th was the day I arrived in Exeter, NH to start my assignment and the 13th was my first day on the job. How fitting that a yer later I am right back where I started. Yes, you read correctly, I am back in New Hampshire again for a visit, with my plane landing on February 11th. Did I plan it this way, no. But I never would have thought a year ago I would be back in this place, albeit for very different reasons. I guess it speaks volumes to the hold this place and these people have cast on me.
It is difficult to quantify all the changes that have happened, all the people I have met, and least of all, the places I have seen. But, in some attempt to sum up my year of travel nursing, I sifted through the many photos and videos of my adventures on the road to post some of my favorites. Hopefully they are some of your favorites as well!
Getting swept away in the sand at the beach in Gloucester, Mass
Taking in some art at the Museum of Fine Art on my first ever trip to Boston.
Flowers and oysters filled my second trip to Boston with my ever amazing landlords Jeff and Cindy.
St. Patty's day in Boston proved to be quite the experience with all those Irish running about!
The infamous Beaver Brook Trail sign in post at the trail head. This trail is still on my list to complete!
Wilton Falls. Just a small town on a back road in NH, who knew this beauty was hiding?
Getting soaked and soaking up the sights in Bar Harbor, Maine.
The cruise with my ladies in Portsmouth, NH
Fresh lobster with Val and Shelley in Wells, Maine
Niagara Falls with Mom, quite the sight to see.
Feeling like I could see clearly for the first time with my new camera, Mark!
Spending a beautiful day with the amazing Gray family.
Fall in New England. Nuff said.
The infamous "layer" cake!
Door County with Mom.
And the adventure that started it all, road tripping with Helga.
It is amazing to reflect on all that I have done in a year's time, but bittersweet as well. While I continue to rehabilitate my injured back, there are no guarantees at this point that I will ever be able to travel nurse again, or ever be a bedside nurse again. It is painful to think of such a scenerio. But, in the same token, there are far worse scenarios I could be in. Not many people are blessed in the ways I have been. This past year has been by far the most enriching of my adult life. I am walking away with so many gifts, I can't even begin to take inventory. I'm not sure what will become of this blog as I am unsure what will become of my life and career. But thanks to all those who have come along on this roller coaster the past year.
Thinking of you! Hope your trip has been super fun so far! Enjoy yourself and be good! :) And as Billy would out for bears! haha!