Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Getting closer

16 days. Only 16 days left on this adventure before I start the 1300 mile journey back home.

This weekend I got a bit homesick. And although my accent has started to become more Bostonian (according to my mom on our last phone conversation), my coping mechanisms show that I'm a midwesterner through and through.


  1. Lily says, "Happy Birthday :) because her birthday is on the next day...!" She is such a goose!!! Excited to see you SOOON!!!! Love the polka! Can't wait for you to see Emmy again! She is growing so quickly! Trying very hard to roll over and to eat her hands!! mark got her to giggle tonight by snorting on her belly!!! Mommy is working very hard at getting Lily to chill out more often and to nap occassionally!!!! Miss you! Miss girl talk!

  2. Can't wait to get back home Dee! Miss you all so much! Need some girl talk, some sassy Lily time, and snuggle time with Emmy!
