Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yep, its official, my hair is on fire

I've "dyed" my hair before with a henna dye from one of my favorite stores ever, Lush. They sell organic and vegan shampoos, soaps and perfumes.


Henna dye is all natural and isn't harsh on your hair. I isn't drastic, generally just brings out the natural highlights in your hair and makes it super shiny. I usually go a shade darker, but the sales girl talked me into a shade she said would just bring out the red undertones in my hair. Apparently, I have A LOT of red undertones in my hair! At first, I thought, it isn't so bad, you can't really tell. Once I got outside and into the sunlight, it looked like my head was on fire! I was a red head. It became official when a patient said that she was happy to be in the company of a fellow red head.

After (5th day)

So, still deciding if I will go back and get a shade darker or live the wild life of a red head for a while.