First stop was York. It was here that I discovered one of the most dangerous stores, EVER! It is called the Stonewall Kitchen. Packed to the brim with sauces, mixes, mustard, jams, and syrups, I could do some serious damage to my bank account there. I sampled a bit of everything including their spiced rum chocolate sauce and with no sales tax, the deal was even sweeter at the checkout! I bought a few things and wrapped them up to send home for the parental units to try.
Then it was on to the Kennebunks. Kennebunk and Kennebunkport are two little quirky towns connected by a very short bridge. Packed with shops and restaurants, I can see these two towns being flooded in the summer with tourists. However, like most towns in New England this time of year, they were pretty deserted. This causes some problem when trying to find a restaurant to eat lunch, since most are closed for the season. However, I found a cafe, had some lunch, and once again, headed to the beach where I shot my only suitable color photos of the day.
All in all, not too adventurous of a weekend, but hopefully this next weekend has more cooperative weather so I can get up into the mountains of northern New Hampshire.
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