Up the coast we went. We were greeted by some crazy strong wind gusts off the water and light snowfall. In short, we froze our Wisconsin assess off. We stopped and ate some lobster (of course) and checked out a little gift shop next to the diner. It was there that we were introduced to "the accent." Anyone who has been to Boston/New England area, knows there is a distinctive accent. Although, I'm sure visitors to Wisconsin say the same thing. Oh, you betcha! Anyway, there were two gentlemen doing some remodel work on the gift shop and they were discussing the tools they needed. One of the guys said, "I need a wonda bah." In translation, "I need a wonder bar." And we didn't eat lobster, we ate "lobstah." Today was the first time anyone told me I had a Wisconsin accent, although he deemed it North Dakota-like.
I'd like to say I'm missing home, but I'm not sure what I think. At times I get homesick, but it passes quickly. I don't enjoy feeling like a new nurse again learning a new kind of nursing along with a new hospital, new staff, new types of patients, new house, and new state, but that's where all the excitement lies, right?

I LOVE the accents out there.....probably a good thing that I never visit out there without Mark....or I might have to let some hottie say some sweet nothings in my ear!!! When I went to Washington DC and New York one of my favorite things was to listen to people 'tawk' out there! So....when you meet a fun hottie tottie out there call me and ask him to say hello to your fellow wisconsinite!!!!!! Miss you!!! And STILL want to eat some of that lobster that you have in your pic up there!!! YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!