Plans changed. I was hoping to get up into the White Mountains of New Hampshire this weekend but the 50 MPH wind gusts prohibited that from happening!
So, the coast it was, although I was almost swept out to sea by the wind I think! Before I discuss the happenings of the day, there is something about New England that everyone needs to understand. Well, a few things that apply to my day at least. First, most of the states have cities with the same names. Although this isn't a novel concept in other regions of the country, here, the cities aren't separated by very much. For example, Salem, NH and Salem, MA are only about 30 miles apart. The second thing, directional signs suck. Third thing, there are A LOT of narrow, one-way streets. So what has all this taught us? You really, really, really need to pay attention when driving; particularly when you haven't been to said places before.

The day started with a quick jaunt over to Salem, New Hampshire to pick up a few things from one of my favorite stores: Lush. They sell all natural shampoo's and soaps. The closest store back home is in the twin cities, so I was pretty stoked to find out there was one only 30 minutes away! After that, I bought a new tripod, since, oddly enough I broke mine during my last trip to New Hampshire last fall.

Then, it was off to Salem, Massachusetts. Still with me? Yes, Salem, MA, home of the infamous witch trials. They aren't shy in the town about their history. Shops with cheesy witch t-shirts and other "paranormal" junk. I made my best attempts to avoid the commercialized areas of the city since it appears to have so much else to offer. I started off by submersing myself in my heritage with lunch at a wonderful little cafe called Cafe Polonia. Their menu is filled with traditional Polish food. Had the kielbasa and let me tell you, I haven't had such good Polish food since my great grandmother died over a decade ago. I spent about an hour walking around town, seeing the various historical sites including the Salem witch trial memorial. Did you know: the witchcraft hysteria began in 1692 when two Salem girls began having unexplained "fits" and accused three local women of casting spells on them. The accusations began in a frenzy with over 150 people, both men and women, being accused and imprisoned in the year that followed. In the end, 14 women and 5 men were executed by hanging and one man was pressed to death by heavy stones that were placed on his chest. Crazy, huh? There is a cemetery, dedicated in 1992 to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the trials, that houses 20 stone benches with the victims names and how they died inscribed on them. The city was also home to the famed author Nathaniel Hawthorne. There is a statue in his honor and the House of Seven Gables, the mansion that inspired him to write the novel with the same name.

After Salem, it was east 30 miles to the city of Gloucester, MA, the nation's oldest fishing port. Settled by Puritans in 1623, the city is still a working commercial fishing port. The pearl of this bustling seaside town in Good Harbor Beach. With beautiful white sand and rolling dunes, this beach was picturesque.
Once I had cleaned the sand out of my ears (no, not kidding, it was that windy), I hopped in the car and travelled 20 minutes north to Ipswich, MA. Known for its clams and cranes. The town was very quaint, filled with cute shops, the aforementioned tiny streets, and a clam shack in the shape of a clam. When I hit the middle of the town, the wind had gotten so strong, one of the power lines was draped over the street. So I detoured and stopped by Crane Beach for a few minutes.
Dusk was less than an hour away, time to head "home." But, I figured with my new tripod in tow, I would make one last stop at Hampton Beach for some sunset pictures by the ocean. I still need some practice with my low light shots, but I'm learning!
Eight hours, 120 miles, 5 cities. Quite the day for sightseeing! My plans for tomorrow will depend on the weather, but I'll keep ya'll posted! I've only got 10 weekends left to see everything I can, gotta make the most of it! (see the video below to see just how windy it was today. Watch the sand blowing over the beach, you may want to turn your speakers down!)